Useful Links for Numeracy
Ontario Mathematics Coordinators Association (OMCA)
Ontario Association for Mathematics Education (OAME) 
TIPS for English Language Learners in Mathematics: Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9 Applied, and Grade 10 Applied 
This resource connects to current research, and includes grade-level support materials for those working with English language learners in Grades 7 to 10.
Student Success/Learning to 18 – Leading Math Success 
Leading Math Success includes lesson plans, videos, posters and other teaching resources for Grade 7 to 12 math classes.
Math Central 
Designed for elementary and secondary teachers and students, this site includes searchable resources by education level and curriculum strand for teachers, answers to math questions for students, monthly math problems, and information on careers in mathematics.
Math GAINS provides a wealth of classroom-ready instructional supports for K to 12 teaching and learning in Ontario.