CTRL-F: Named for the keyboard shortcut for ‘find,’ CTRL-F is an evidence-based program that equips students with the habits and skills needed to evaluate online information to determine what to trust. This program, created by CIVIX, harnesses a strategy called “lateral reading”, used by professional fact-checkers: conduct quick and strategic web searches to learn key context about sources and claims.

Association for Media Literacy external-link

The Association for Media Literacy (AML) is a not-for-profit, charitable association of teachers, librarians, consultants, parents, cultural workers, and media professionals concerned with helping people develop an informed and critical understanding of the nature of media, their techniques, and their impact.

Digital Literacy 101 external-link

New digital literacy resources for teachers, developed by MediaSmarts, to support the implementation  of digital literacy into their teaching practice and to help them to develop digital literacy lessons and activities that suit their students’ needs. Tutorials or Powerpoint presentations geared to grade levels

Critical Media Literacy Resources for JK-12 – Addressing Violence in the Media

The Free Radical external-link

The Free Radical provides media violence information and strategies, with a particular emphasis on the mistreatment of girls and women in popular culture.

MediaSmarts external-link

MediaSmarts (formerly known as Media Awareness Network) offers resources and support for everyone interested in media literacy and digital literacy for young people. Teachers can access lesson plans, classroom activities, background articles, and Canadian resources for media education.