Ontario Educational Resource Bank (OERB) 
The OERB offers K-12 resources, created by teachers for teachers, aligned with the Ontario curriculum. Includes units, lesson plans, activities, maps, and interactive learning resources.
The OERB offers K-12 resources, created by teachers for teachers, aligned with the Ontario curriculum. Includes units, lesson plans, activities, maps, and interactive learning resources.
One Life…Many Gifts/Une vie…plusieurs dons is designed to educate senior secondary school students about the vital importance of organ and tissue donation and transplantation. Developed by Trillium Gift of Life Network, London Health Sciences Centre’s Multi-Organ Transplant Program and the Kidney Foundation of Canada, it brings to life the drama, generosity and the life-saving promise of donation and transplantation. This cross-curricular resource can be used in a variety of subject areas. It contains ten curriculum booklets that include a range of student activities, an accompanying DVD, sample lesson plans, assessment tools, and a resource guide. The student activities are linked to the Ontario Ministry of Education’s overall expectations in Canadian and World Studies, English/Français, Guidance and Career Education, Health and Physical Education, Science, Social Science and Humanities, and the Arts.
Visit Link to Learning for links to websites supporting the Ontario curriculum (K-12). Links are available for both students and teachers.
Since September 2010, assessment, evaluation, and reporting in Ontario schools have been based on the policies and practices described in this document. This document aims to maintain high standards, improve student learning, and benefit students, parents, and teachers in elementary and secondary schools across the province.
EduGAINS is the portal to resources developed and provided through the Ministry of Education focused on student and teacher learning. There are resources for teachers from K-12. These resources support Mathematics, Literacy, Differentiated Instruction, Assessment and Evaluation, English Language Learners, Financial Literacy, and International Languages (Elementary).
Visit Curriculum Services Canada for links to approved textbooks across Canada, supplementary classroom resources, and free teacher-developed resources in a variety of subject areas.
Catholic Curriculum Corporation – The Catholic Curriculum Corporation supports teachers in the implementation of the Catholic curriculum with K-12 resources.