This project is a thematic course plan for ENG2D (grade 10 English) guided by the expectations in The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10, 2007. The course plan is based on a “Coming of Age” theme, which is a subject that resonates with teenagers today. The plan contains units on short fiction and non-fiction, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, a literature circle novel study, and an examination of media and youth culture.
In the culminating activity, students investigate youth culture through the ages, and create oral and multi-media presentations. The plan also includes a guide to working with literature circles, and additional creative writing activities.
The project emphasizes student choice, arts-based activities, and the integration of media. A number of activities that allow for differentiated instruction, assessment, and evaluation are also included. The units are designed to be taught in any order, and although aimed at grade 10 students, teachers will find that many of the resources may also be used in grade 9 and 11 English classes.
Files include:
Course Plan
A Guide to Working With Literature Circles
Creative Writing Activities