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Inquiry Guide: Supporting Teachers in the Use of Inquiry

This resource is designed to support teachers in the use of inquiry with lessons based on the (2013) Revised Social Studies, History and Geography Curriculum and Environmental Education. In addition, support teachers in promoting student engagement through environmental stewardship and deepen environmental literacy. The Guide describes the social studies inquiry model for effective teaching and …

Inquiry Guide: Supporting Teachers in the Use of Inquiry

This resource is designed to support teachers in the use of inquiry with lessons based on the (2013) Revised Social Studies, History and Geography Curriculum and Environmental Education. In addition, support teachers in promoting student engagement through environmental stewardship and deepen environmental literacy.  The Guide describes the social studies inquiry model for effective teaching and …

Connecting with the Natural World

The “Connecting with the Natural World” curriculum project has been designed to create engaging science and technology activities that increase elementary students’ interests in the areas of sustainability and environmental stewardship.  It provides teachers with suitable hands-on activities to foster this interest.  The project demonstrates the effective strategies to encourage students and teachers to take …

A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words

These 4 groups of 3 activities each are intended to be presented at the same time to students to serve as differentiated learning centres. Students divide into 4 groups (possibly using a Four Corners activity), and are then given 3 tasks based on their intelligences. Students work at one task for 20 minutes, then switch …

The Authentic Deconstruction Approach

The Authentic Deconstruction Approach is an organizer that aids students in the process of critically assessing any form of media for bias and deeper meaning.  The guiding questions found in the organizer help students truly understand what a piece of media is saying.  Using the First Nations medicine wheel teachings as the base of this …