Living Things and their Environment In this inquiry unit , children explore living things and their reciprocal relationship with their environment through learning centres, Read-Alouds and discussions. They observe closely, experiment and communicate their ideas, while applying and reinforcing their understandings through play-based learning . Wonder-Full In this inquiry unit, children learn to ask meaningful …
This resource contains a series of critical thinking tasks based on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. These tasks, ranging from one-period mini-tasks to two-day lessons are best suited for intermediate students.
The morning literacy block was the frame of this project as we collaborated to harness strategies to increase the reading motivation of the students. Our observation of “student engagement” during both Independent Reading and Shared Reading routines forced us to examine evidence based research regarding these facets, in hopes of changing student’s reading behaviour and …
This resource recognizes that in order to foster the development of literacy skills, high school English courses must move beyond the study of traditional narrative texts, and thus focus on the study of non-narrative texts. It also addresses the need to instruct students in skills to access specialized vocabulary and visual depictions of information. Critical …
An English grade 10 differentiated unit of study for Media Studies and Oral Communication with a focus on how sound is used by various media. The Sound / Listening unit includes material that is engaging for students (and their 21st century skills), uses Wiggins and McTighe’s Understanding by Design, and includes a variety of assessments …