This unit is an integrated Language Arts (incorporating all four strands), Science and Technology (specifically the Forces Strand for Grade Three) and a few Drama and Visual Art Expectations as well. It was based around the Winter Olympics in Vancouver and ran for approximately three weeks.
This project explores using open-ended questions in math in the primary division as a strategy to assist students in developing number concepts. The teachers had observed that a ‘show and tell’ method of teaching math resulted in the students being able to perform a task in a familiar context but when presented with a problem …
This resource supports the delivery of Grade 10 History, Canadian World Studies curriculum. The resource offers a selection of skills development activities and summative assessments that can be used throughout the CHC2D course. Skills activities include summaries, bibliographies and précis tasks. Summative tasks include a special focus on differentiated instruction and the use of current …
The 4/5 Social Studies/Technology Project is an interactive, online learning environment focusing on the units of Medieval Times and Ancient Civilizations. Teaching and learning of the topics of study is followed by online discussion and collaboration, which simulates the Web 2.0 technology programs of the 21st century. Research methods (copyright, referencing, citing), norms of collaboration …
This resource is a two to three week cross-curricular unit using the expectations of the SNC 2D1 Physics strand (optics) and TDJ 20 (technological design). Implicit in this unit is the flexibility of cross curricular teaching. This unit provides a unit planner, with the culminating task with rubric to support and guide the learning. Teaching …