ExpiredBeing, Becoming, Belonging: Equity and Inclusive Education in Kindergarten – Part 1

In this two-part OTF Connect Webinar, we will use the documentary film “Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years” as we explore the four goals of anti-bias education (Identity, Diversity, Justice and Action) and co-create an understanding of what this means for practice by sharing practical ideas for the classroom. We will discuss how this film connects to our early years pedagogy and philosophy outlined in the Ontario Kindergarten Program document. By critically examining our learning environment, and reflecting on the materials and resources within it and the learning experiences that occur, we will deepen our understanding of how to support students’ and families’ “social identities and cultural ways of being”.

Link to the Documentary Trailer: https://player.vimeo.com/video/521574776


Zoom Webinar Presentation

Presenter: Michelle McKay & Klara Redford 

Audience: K

** A Zoom link will be sent in a separate email with login information before webinar **