ExpiredInquiring Minds for the Future

What students believe about themselves and their opportunities, and what their peers and the adults in their lives believe about them, significantly influence the choices students make and the degree to which they achieve their goals. In this webinar participants will examine these 4 guiding questions and ideas:

  • Who Am I? – Knowing Yourself
  • What Are My Opportunities? – Exploring Opportunities
  • Who Do I Want to Become? – Making Decisions and Setting Goals
  • What Is My Plan for Achieving My Goals? – Achieving Goals and Making Transitions

Teachers will explore these inquiry questions (from the Creating Pathways to Success Policy and Program) through a teacher lens as it relates to building their understanding of the 21st Century Competencies and refining their teaching practice and learning experiences to better meet the needs of today’s learners.

We will use these framing questions and supporting technological tools (primarily the newly updated My Blueprint Tool – All About Me, used by 70% of the boards in Ontario*) to support their students journey through these same inquiry questions.

Focus will be responsive to the participants in the webinar, but student lens will touch on, math, kindergarten, identity and 21st Century Competencies, and will include using a student portfolio platform as a space for assessment for and as learning.

*if your board does not use My Blueprint – All About Me, many of the examples shown will work in tools like SeeSaw or FreshGrade

Presenter: Jen Apgar

Audience: K-Gr. 6