Expired“I Don’t Want to Go Back” Helping Students Explore the Limits of Armed Conflict Through a Case Study on Child Soldiers

This workshop introduces the idea that there are rules for behaviour in armed conflict that seek to protect victims and other vulnerable people. Working with photos, a world map, a video, readings, and case studies, participants take on the role of the student to come to understand the scope of suffering and other problems caused by the use of children as soldiers. They learn that the use of children by States or organised armed groups violates International Humanitarian Law (IHL). After exploring some of the complexities and potential threats to individuals that arise from an armed conflict, participants as students propose rules for protecting life and human dignity. Access to complimentary resources and professional development from the Canadian Red Cross is provided in addition to curriculum maps for Canadian and World Studies, Social Sciences and Humanities and English Studies.

Presenter: Andrea McArthur: Canadian Red Cross

Target Audience: Secondary