OTF congratulates Premier Kathleen Wynne
The Ontario Teachers’ Federation congratulates Premier Wynne on her election victory.
The Ontario Teachers’ Federation congratulates Premier Wynne on her election victory.
OTF supports BC teachers
The May issue of Interaction is now out!
Registration for OTF Summer Institutes 2014 is now open. Over 20 institutes (three-day workshops) are being offered in the areas of mathematics, technology and First Nation, Métis, and Inuit perspectives. Click on OTF Summer Institutes poster with a summary of institute topics, locations and dates. Click on descriptors to view a description of each institutes …
Visit the COPA (le Centre ontarien de prévention des agressions) and OTF Safe@School website to check out the new step-by-step easy-to-use 10-module course on bullying prevention for teachers and school staff.