Reach for the Stars (Part 2)

Resources Used

The Zones of Regulation® – Self-regulation is something everyone continually works on whether or not we are cognizant of it. We all encounter trying circumstances that test our limits from time to time. If we are able to recognize when we are becoming less regulated, we are able to do something about it to manage our feelings and get ourselves to a healthy place. This comes naturally for some, but for others it is a skill that needs to be taught and practiced. This is the goal of The Zones of Regulation (or “Zones” for short). ​

At Social Thinking®, our mission is to help people develop their social competencies to better connect with others and live happier, more meaningful lives. We create unique treatment frameworks and strategies to help individuals as young as four and across the lifespan develop their social thinking and social skills to meet their personal social goals.

Social Thinking Conference – June 22 to 24

The “Social Thinking Global Providers’ Conference” is our biggest and most exciting event every year! This summer in South San Francisco, join hundreds of practitioners from around the world to share ideas, network, and discover new strategies for teaching social competencies. This conference is intended for those who are already familiar with the methodology and would like to expand their skill set.