Back to search results > Project Details Resources & Media Discussion Print Project iPads and Music Education Resources CreatedThese resources will open in your browser in a new tab, or be downloaded to your computer.EXPLAIN-EVERYTHINGInstructions on using the Explain Everything app for descriptive feedback primarily for performance test assessments, but could be adapted to lessons also. COMPOSITION USING GARAGE BANDComposition using GarageBand while working through the stages of the creative process. GARAGE-BAND-INSTRUCTIONS for Using LoopsInstructions for using GarageBand (for the Radio Play Assignment).ASSIGNMENT-Radio PlayA composition assignment using GarageBand loops to create a song that could appear on the radio using a selected form. Students will investigate form, style and then will create their own masterpiece. Improvisation LessonThe students will improvise a solo over the blues chord progression of C Jam Blues using iReal Pro and ScoreCloud will record and notate the solo for the students to listen to, view and discuss/analyze the improvisatory process.Videos