Exploring Scope and Sequence in the Junior Years

Area(s) of Focus: technology, math
Division(s): Junior
Level(s): Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5

Scope and sequence in junior grades in the areas of Data Management (Graphing) and Number Sense (Multiplication, Fractions, Money). The scope and sequence of these concepts and skills together with teaching strategies were represented in charts.

As a junior team, we explored how concepts and skills are developed from Grade 3 to Grade 5. We explored as a team the scope and sequence of skills and concepts in all the five math strands. We also looked at teaching strategies and manipulatives that would be most helpful to teachers as they were working on these skills.

Team Members

  • Ira Metani

    Toronto District School Board

  • Jean Day

    Toronto District School Board

  • Jennifer Edmison

    Toronto District School Board

  • Helen Garland

    Toronto District School Board

Professional Learning Goals

  • explore the concept of scope and sequence in junior years
  • collaborate to identify what effective teaching strategies in the areas we focused on
  • collaborate to create a list of teaching manipulatives most suitable for teaching the specific skills and concepts that we explored

Activities and Resources

We looked at the Mathematics Curriculum Document and pulled out overall and specific expectations in the area of multiplication, graphing, money and fractions. In the process, we used Origo’s scope and sequence charts as well as Mirian Small resource to help us with the concept of scope and sequence and to identify effective teaching strategies.

Unexpected Challenges

We did not encounter any unexpected challenges.

Enhancing Student Learning and Development

The project will enhance student learning by:

  • ensuring student learning trajectory is met through developmental sequencing
  • supporting student learning with the appropriate tools and strategies
  • increasing professional development/knowledge of teachers for years to come


The results of the project with be shared at school level by merging the charts and creating a scope and sequence concept development from kindergarten to Grade 5. We will also share with other teachers at school in divisional meetings. This project will also be shared at the family of schools level.

Project Evaluation

Team members really appreciated the opportunity to work together as a team and the look and scope and sequence of concepts that they themselves identified as a need.

Resources Used

Origo Scope and Sequence Charts


Mirian Small: Open questions for three-part lesson Number Sense and Numeration (K-3)

Mirian Small: Open questions for three-part lesson Number Sense and Numeration (4-8)