Blending Learning and Assessment: An Exploration of Different Technologies
This project explores different technologies that can be used in assessment (for, as and of learning) and evaluation in the secondary classroom. Technologies explored include Desire2Learn, Google Drive, Forms, Flubaroo, Poll Everywhere and Kahoot!
Arts-Based Approaches to Mathematics Instruction in the Junior Classroom
Exploring the arts as a vehicle for mathematics learning and addressing issues of social justice and equity in the junior mathematics class.
Grade 1 Big Ideas Math
The Big Ideas in Math!
What are the big ideas in the Grade 1 math curriculum? What kinds of tasks, and what types of questions should I ask to reach all students learning needs? What do I highlight in the reflect and connect learning opportunities? -
Balanced Mathematics
This project evaluated the balance of our math program by looking at the frequency of our instruction as modelled, shared, guided or independent. We explored ways to achieve this balance and self-reflected on what balance meant for each of us.
Through 4 evening workshops, parents learn that math is everywhere, the importance of mindset and how math can be used at home. They use these skills while playing math games with their children. Children learn fun math activities at the same time.