Developing the Foundations of Numeracy in Kindergarten
This project examines the ways in which kindergarten students develop early numeracy concepts specifically in the area of composing and decomposing numbers to 10, through the use of intentional materials and explicit questioning from the ELK team.
Using Technology to Create Inquiry-Based Lessons in Grade 9 Science
The focus of the project was to develop the Grade 9 Science Astronomy Unit. Using the Halton Cloud (Google Drive), teachers collaborated to put together an outline, and 15 specific lesson plans including all resources required to complete each one.
Collaborative Teacher Inquiry into 21st-Century Learning
We have begun to move towards a more digital/technologically based style of learning, teaching and communicating.
Integrating Technology into Special Education
Junior and Intermediate special education students will research possible routes to a destination and complete a round trip on public transportation. iPads will be used to research, document and present the information.
Spatial Reasoning Inquiry K-2
To develop understanding of spatial awareness in young children by further developing our own understanding between spatial reasoning and math learning in relation to the K-2 curriculum .