Creating a STEAM Lab
Using inspiration from the Peel District School Board document, Empowering Modern Learners, to create a portable STEAM Lab at Meadowvale Village Public School.
Building Capacity in the Early Years: Inquiry in Kindergarten
Teachers will investigate the elements of an inquiry framework in kindergarten and will use resources to implement an inquiry classroom in their schools, thereby increasing educator capacity in the early years.
Exploring Equity Through Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedagogy
We sought to understand and address issues related to equity in the classroom through sharing academic resources and lived experiences, offering professional development and hearing student voices in order to improve staff capacity.
Improving Growth Mindset in Math Through Differentiation for Students in Grades 2-4
This project aimed to develop increased confidence in differentiated math teaching instruction among our teaching staff by providing focused professional development aimed at increasing teachers’ ability to differentiate their math instruction.
Teaching Functional Communication to Students with Autism to Gain Skills That Will Help Them Navigate Difficult Social Situations
We will be using iPads and an app called Proloquo2Go to help students build functional communication. The purpose of this project is to use functional communication to help student navigate through difficult social situations.