Achieving Well-Being and Success Through Self-Regulation
This project helped students develop skills and methods for managing their emotions (stress and anxiety), behaviours, thoughts, attention and focus as a way of improving academic achievement and success, personal well-being, and self-regulation.
“Anchors” Away!
Through exploration of Rekenreks and Ten Frames, students will develop early numeracy fluency/skills using proportional thinking. The use of these two tools will allow students to develop a deeper understanding of number concepts and relationships.
Build Attention, Self-Regulation and Empathy Through Mindfulness Practice
This report outlines a series of activities, practices and reflections on the impact and benefits of “Mindfulness” in schools and classrooms and how the practices of mindfulness can be used to enhance student and teacher well-being and performance.
Using Digital Tools for Collaboration
Project Title: Using Digital Tools for Collaboration. We have created a refined user-friendly draft package of D2L CHV20. We have added components, revised several, included more user-friendly instructions and headings.
Math Continuum Development
A two-year math learning continuum was built to support educators while planning and assessing, responding to students’ needs and the differentiation of instruction, all while keeping in mind the developmental readiness of students in kindergarten.