Developing Global Competencies in Mathematics Using Loose Parts
Using loose parts to teach mathematics to kindergarten students through inquiry to promote creativity, critical thinking and global competencies.
Thinking in the Math Curriculum
The project identified thinking in the math curriculum. It Increased teacher efficacy by deepening their understanding of the cognitive demand on student thinking when solving a math problem (process of thinking).
Capturing the Process of Healthy Active Living Education Learners Making Their Thinking Visible
To foster a culture of thinking in Healthy Active Living Education classes by implementing Visible Thinking approaches into our pedagogical practices using technology to collect evidence of understanding through observation, conversation and product.
Authentic Communication in French Immersion Kindergarten Through Math Games
Focus on mathematical understanding should not exclude French Immersion students simply due to lack of expressive vocabulary. Students can learn, and do strive, in authentic communication situations, such as playing math games in the early years.