Geotricity 3.0 (A Continuation of TLC-16-149)
Geotricity 3.0 provides transdisciplinary learning through STEM and geography connecting students with their community in real-life application of problem-based learning. Students and teachers increased collaboration and learning through GAFE.
Livable and Sustainable Communities Exploration Through Minecraft: A Joint Science and Geography Collaboration
A CGC 1D1 and SNC 1D1 interdisciplinary inquiry project exploring livability and sustainability in Canada. Students using Minecraft Education Edition as a platform to build virtual livable and sustainable communities.
Embedding Literacy in Math
A cross-curricular connection between language and math using guided reading kits, providing a real-life context to support the deepening of conceptual understanding in mathematics.
The Blanket Exercise – Bringing the TRC to the Classroom
Our project examined local treaties and used the KARIOS Blanket Exercise to gain a greater understanding of the history and legacy of the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada.
STREAM: Adding Rigour to STEAM
Adding rigor to STEAM to make STREAM. STEAM has become increasingly popular over the past few years with a lot of emphasis on creating design tasks that are current, innovative and relevant. Our investigation seeks to add rigour to maximize learning.