Student Engagement in Mathematics
A website will provide opportunities for primary students to work on all strands of math at home with their families, in a fun and engaging way, so that they can improve number sense, patterning, geometry and spatial sense. Attendance at OAME.
Reach for the Stars (Part 2)
Social readiness is a key factor in promoting well-being in children and directly impacts their health in all areas and success in school. As educators in early years, we desire to promote healthy relationships and social thinking with our students.
Loose Parts: The Gateway to 21st Century Skills and Competencies
The goal of our project was to make connections between the curriculum, 21st century competencies and loose parts theory by creating a resource to share with other educators.
Diversity in Curriculum: Analyzing and Improving the Inclusion of Student Voices
The goal was to increase student voice and inclusivity as diversity increases in our school community. Through surveys and collaborative sharing, we examined and offered activities relating to the inclusion of diverse student voice.
Achieving Well-Being and Success Through Self-Regulation
This project helped students develop skills and methods for managing their emotions (stress and anxiety), behaviours, thoughts, attention and focus as a way of improving academic achievement and success, personal well-being, and self-regulation.