Building Math Skill and Confidence Through Collaborative Mentorship
To engage our grades 3 and 6 students, we implemented a Centres-based “Learning Buddies” model where students moved through a variety of tasks and activities. Grade 6 students assumed the role of peer mentor for the Grade 3 students.
Student Success Through the Development of Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation Skills
“The Well-Being Project” provides students with a strong foundation for emotional health that focuses on the identification of emotions in oneself and others, and identifies and implements useful strategies for self-regulation and resiliency.
Student Wellness – A Grade 3-5 Approach
This project focused on giving teachers strategies to help create calmer classrooms where students are more in control of their emotions and therefore more ready to learn. By focusing on student well-being, we will see changes in teacher well-being.
Addressing Student Anxiety Through In-School and Local Programming
Building our professional knowledge about anxiety disorders at the school age child level to develop and implement a school-based program to reduce and/or manage student anxiety using the FRIENDS for Life model incorporating other wellness tools.
Engaging Learners Using the SAMR Model
Engaging primary students using iPads across the curriculum to transform student communication, critical thinking and the application of learning by using the SAMR model.