Building Capacity in the Early Years: Inquiry in Kindergarten
Teachers will investigate the elements of an inquiry framework in kindergarten and will use resources to implement an inquiry classroom in their schools, thereby increasing educator capacity in the early years.
Fostering Mathematical Inquiry and Critical Thinking in Grade 9 Curriculum
Teachers from Markville set out to revise and enhance the Grade 9 course to incorporate sustaining inquiry and critical thinking with the aim of fostering
• Students’ ability to think
• Growth mindset
• Modern learning
• Student achievement -
Reach for the Stars (Part 2)
Social readiness is a key factor in promoting well-being in children and directly impacts their health in all areas and success in school. As educators in early years, we desire to promote healthy relationships and social thinking with our students.
Achieving Well-Being and Success Through Self-Regulation
This project helped students develop skills and methods for managing their emotions (stress and anxiety), behaviours, thoughts, attention and focus as a way of improving academic achievement and success, personal well-being, and self-regulation.
“Anchors” Away!
Through exploration of Rekenreks and Ten Frames, students will develop early numeracy fluency/skills using proportional thinking. The use of these two tools will allow students to develop a deeper understanding of number concepts and relationships.