Creating STEAM Activities to Engage Learners in Mathematical Thinking and Problem-Solving
An exploration of how technology can be embedded into mathematics with a collaborative inquiry approach. This project will develop inquiry, problem-solving and critical thinking skills by using technology as a part of programming and assessment.
Interactive Spaces Using QR Codes and Augmented Reality (AR)
Explore the possibilities of coding, QR Codes, HP Reveal and various Google apps to create engaging interactive walls, bulletin or display boards to view student growth, curiosity, questioning and reflections of their learning with a wider audience.
Cross-Curricular Learning Links That Encourage Innovation and Creativity
Encourage students enrolled in Grade 9 Exploring Technology to find links between other courses and use mobile technology appropriately in class.
Learning Beyond the Brick Walls
This project was undertaken to explore nature and to increase our knowledge and use of the outdoors and our local conservation area with our FDK program. We wanted to implement changes to the physical space and gather outdoor teaching resources.
Promoting Emotional Well-Being in Challenging Teaching Situations
Understanding the role of unmanaged stressors on health and workplace performance for teachers. Finding ways to maintain emotional equilibrium from the fields of neuroscience and positive psychology.