Counting Principles and Thinking in Math in Kindergarten
This TLC project examines the importance of five early counting principles and their importance in kindergarten students becoming independent and confident math learners later in their school career.
Pedagogical Documentation in ELD Classrooms
Using pedagogical documentation, portfolios and collaboration to support language and literacy acquisition, inclusion, and reflection in the secondary ELD (English Literacy Development) classroom.
Examining Equity Through a Literacy Lens
We examined how teachers could enrich integrated literacy programs (reading/writing skills infused within big ideas from history/geography to teach equity topics). We deepened our professional learning around equity and best practices in literacy.
Enhancing and Extending Mathematical Thinking and Learning Through Inquiry
The aim of the project was to help enhance mathematical thinking in our students through inquiry, meaningful instruction and purposeful play. We wanted to help develop their growth mindset to help set a foundation for future mathematical development.