Integrating iPads in Math Class
The purpose of this project was to develop lesson plans using iPad apps to engage students in mathematics and target the in-risk students by using alternate apps or work one-on-one with them.
Empowered Voices: Using Speech Technology Applications Within Sheltered Drama
Confidence, accurate pronunciation and fluency when speaking are challenges for ELLs. Opportunities to practise listening and speaking are often secondary, thus our aim was to improve speech skills via direct practise in drama, ELD and ESL classes.
Multidisciplinary Magic Mirror
The focus of our project is to create an interactive touchscreen mirror as a model for future student projects that would involve students from multiple departments (computer science, engineering, manufacturing and art).
Pedagogical Documentation with iPads to Support Inquiry in the Junior Grades
Using technology to document student learning and thinking in the junior grades.
Science and Technology: Probing into the Future
The purpose of this project is to see if engagement and understanding is improved through the use of modernized equipment that will not only engage students in their learning, but also allow them to collect more accurately the data.