How to Effectively use MacBook and iPads as Teaching and Learning Tools in the Classroom
Using Explain Everything for students to communicate their thinking and understanding.
Leveraging Technology to Improve Assessment as/for/of Learning in Mathematics
We identified ways to use technology to gather formative assessment and align it with Learning Maps, Big Ideas, Learning Goals and Success Criteria. Ultimately, we were most concerned about leveraging technology to triangulate assessment data.
Integrating Technology to Improve Communication Between Home and School
Teachers worked with students to create a student-directed website that provided a platform for students to communicate with the world. They worked hard on text and visual media that was uploaded regularly and connected to our board website.
Pedagogical Documentation with iPads to Support Inquiry in the Junior Grades
Using technology to document student learning and thinking in the junior grades.
Summing It Up: Math + Technology = Engagement
Exploration of the use of technology to support communication of all learners in their expression of mathematical thinking.