Increasinig Student Confidence and Proficiency in Oral Communication
Our aim is to increase student confidence in oral communication through increased talk time and exposure to French dialects. Students will learn to share their opinion on a topic. They will set attainable goals and reflect on their progress.
Reading Non-Fiction Texts in Social Studies
For this project, we developed lessons which integrate Grade 4, 5 and 6 social studies with the language curriculum. We used the fiction and nonfiction Reading Signposts by Beers and Probst to read social studies texts for deeper understanding.
Taking Social Studies Outdoors
Connecting students with the natural world is an essential component in developing the habits of mind necessary to critically examine issues from the past, present, and future.
Authentic Assessment in Health and Physical Education with the Revised Curriculum
This collection of tools and strategies will support assessment as learning in HPE, such that the clearer the articulation of what is to be assessed, the more successful will be the engagement by the student in their learning.
Got Real-World Issues? Engaging Students Through the Creation of a Cross-Curricular Collaborative Problem-Solving Adventure
This project provides resources to support inquiry-based, cross-curricular learning connected to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.