Enhancing Student Mathematical Understanding and Problem-Solving Capabilities Through the Use of Algorithms and Coding Software
This project was aimed at introducing computer programming to middle school students. It contains a series of lessons, with various entry points from teaching students binary, algorithms, languages, coding and how to use these tools to create.
Math Inquiry Across the Strands
This inquiry addresses geometry, number sense, measurement in a social studies context. Our initial inquiry was the creation of a Winter Math Festival. The second inquiry was an investigation of societies around the world (historic and modern).
Developing Global Citizens Through Social Studies Inquiries
Students will develop an understanding of Global Citizenship as they progress through social studies activities aimed at developing a sense of self, family, community and global connections. Developing a M.A.D. project is the culminating activity.
Level Up Your Social Studies Program – Gamifying the New Curriculum
Implementing game-based learning throughout our classes, specifically in social studies work, as a means to motivate and engage learners and develop critical and creative thinking skills.
Integrating iPads in Math Class
The purpose of this project was to develop lesson plans using iPad apps to engage students in mathematics and target the in-risk students by using alternate apps or work one-on-one with them.