Can LEGO Enhance Student Learning?
A major aim of our project is to unlock the knowledge of early learners and give them a tangible and meaningful way of communicating complex and abstract ideas, orally and in writing, through builds using LEGO StoryStarter Kits.
Student Voice in Inquiry Learning
We believe the right resources for student-directed inquiries is part of how we support students in connectedness to their learning and their community. Our report includes a bank of resources along with our learning through successes and challenges.
The French Immersion Classroom: Enhancing Teaching Practice and Developing Students’ Communication Through Cross-Curricular Balance and the use of Technology
With a focus on the Junior French Immersion classroom (grades 5 and 6), cross-reference curriculum areas taught in French to develop balanced literacy lessons and consistently integrate School Board issued technology (IPADS) into learning activities
Empowered Voices: Using Speech Technology Applications Within Sheltered Drama
Confidence, accurate pronunciation and fluency when speaking are challenges for ELLs. Opportunities to practise listening and speaking are often secondary, thus our aim was to improve speech skills via direct practise in drama, ELD and ESL classes.
Supporting Effective Use of Technology Through a Subject Association (ELAN)
New participants with ELAN (English Language Arts Network) share effective practice with information and communications technology (ICT) in their English/language arts classroom. The aim was to grow networks of English/language arts teachers.