Problem-Solving from Grades 7-10
Helping students become better problem-solvers in intermediate math.
Reading Non-Fiction Texts in Social Studies
For this project, we developed lessons which integrate Grade 4, 5 and 6 social studies with the language curriculum. We used the fiction and nonfiction Reading Signposts by Beers and Probst to read social studies texts for deeper understanding.
Integration of Indigenous Content Through Experiential Learning into Existing Curriculum
A collaborative approach to integrating indigenous Ways of Knowing, issues and perspectives for students and staff. Initiatives included group storytelling, creative lessons to explore our history, and connection with Elders in their community.
Developing Global Citizens Through Social Studies Inquiries
Students will develop an understanding of Global Citizenship as they progress through social studies activities aimed at developing a sense of self, family, community and global connections. Developing a M.A.D. project is the culminating activity.
Blending Civics
We developed a blended learning stations activity for the Grade 10 civics class. We used several digital platforms (Google, D2L, iPads, etc.) to engage students in discovering and investigating the question “What is a civic issue that I care about?”