The Greenhouse Project
A cross-curricular project between English and science, using project-based learning pedagogy in proposing the construction of a school greenhouse.
Redesign of Learning Spaces
Our vision was to empower the students and activate their voice with regards to their own learning. Project-based learning was the central focus of our professional growth.
The Meaningful Collaborative Assessment and Feedback Strategies
We, as four junior grade teachers, collaborated to help us refine our assessment strategies and to assist students with feedback delivered digitally across many situations.
Inquiry-Based Learning in Grade 9 Geography and Grade 10 History
Inquiry-based learning unit of study in Grade 9 geography (Liveable Communities) and Grade 10 history (Canada, 1929-1945). Templates included to be used in any inquiry model at any grade level.
Global Goals and Social Entrepreneurship
This unit focuses on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and Social Entrepreneurship. The unit requires students to identify problems related to the Goals and develop innovative and achievable solutions that facilitate change.