Math Playground
Math Playground
Reading Non-Fiction Texts in Social Studies
For this project, we developed lessons which integrate Grade 4, 5 and 6 social studies with the language curriculum. We used the fiction and nonfiction Reading Signposts by Beers and Probst to read social studies texts for deeper understanding.
Got Real-World Issues? Engaging Students Through the Creation of a Cross-Curricular Collaborative Problem-Solving Adventure
This project provides resources to support inquiry-based, cross-curricular learning connected to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Collaborative Inquiry as a Model for Student Improvement
How to use Sesame HQ as a way to improve pedagogical documentation (by teachers and students) and teacher collaboration.
The French Immersion Classroom: Enhancing Teaching Practice and Developing Students’ Communication Through Cross-Curricular Balance and the use of Technology
With a focus on the Junior French Immersion classroom (grades 5 and 6), cross-reference curriculum areas taught in French to develop balanced literacy lessons and consistently integrate School Board issued technology (IPADS) into learning activities