Using Technology to Enhance Communication and Critical-Thinking Skills in Kindergarten
Identifying various open-ended/content-creation iPad apps that enhance and develop students’ oral communication and critical-thinking skills at the kindergarten level. Students use these apps to document their learning and show their thinking.
Guided Math Through Math Workshop
The goal of the inquiry was to identify where students are in their developmental understanding of mathematics and implement various instructional strategies to assist students in moving their thinking forward through guided practice.
“Tech”ing it to the Natural Environment
This project examines how technology can be used to enhance inquiry in the natural environment. Educators explored taking the learning beyond the four walls of the classroom and into existing outdoor spaces.
Using Technology to Enhance Professional Learning Through the Virtual Classroom
Welcome to our teacher learning co-op project! Our intention for these 360° tours is to provide teachers with an easy, engaging and accessible way to share ideas and information with colleagues across our school board and the province.
Making Learning Visible – Pedagogical Documentation Full-Day Kindergarten
This project aims to explore how documenting children’s learning can help to develop a community of learners that aims to increase student engagement, promote collaboration, and improve learning outcomes.