Improving the Numeracy Mindset of Grade 9 Math Students
If students work on problems stemming from an overarching learning goal through various strategies, then the students will be motivated and demonstrate their understanding while cultivating their growth mindset.
Taking Social Studies Outdoors
Connecting students with the natural world is an essential component in developing the habits of mind necessary to critically examine issues from the past, present, and future.
Student Voice in Inquiry Learning
We believe the right resources for student-directed inquiries is part of how we support students in connectedness to their learning and their community. Our report includes a bank of resources along with our learning through successes and challenges.
Assessment and Teaching in French as a Second Language through the Use of Google Technologies
This project was created to test the possible usage of technology for French as a Second Language beyond its popular use of knowledge-seeking and using it as a French-English dictionary tool.
Motivating Diverse Learners Through Coding
This project was based on teacher inquiry into coding, how it works and how to implement it with the students in our classroom. As teachers, we were interested in increasing student engagement through collaboration, inquiry, creativity, communication