Focusing on Spatial Reasoning in Kindergarten
Using playful pedagogy with open-ended tasks based on the resource Taking Shape, we saw our students develop greater spatial thinking abilities. We saw the gains reflected in further tasks, free play and everyday language.
Technology Integration into the Kindergarten Program
This project explores how kindergarten teachers can use technology effectively across all frames of the kindergarten curriculum with particular focus on iPads.
Guided Math Through Math Workshop
The goal of the inquiry was to identify where students are in their developmental understanding of mathematics and implement various instructional strategies to assist students in moving their thinking forward through guided practice.
Documenting Math with Technology
The aim of this project is for teachers and students to work together, using technology, to co-document math learning in a way that will enhance student voice during consolidation and increase teachers’ understanding of how children learn math.
Documenting Spatial Reasoning in the Full-Day Kindergarten Program
Using the professional resource, Taking Shape, we supported students’ understanding of spatial reasoning concepts through intentional play-based tasks and documentation.