
Teaching English Language Learners Part 1 AQ (Western, Winter 2024, Online)

January 31, 2024 to April 12, 2023

  • Category: AQ, Online
  • Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Outside Ontario, Southern Ontario
  • Topic: ESL and ELD
  • Grades: Intermediate (grades 7-10), JK-SK, Junior (grades 4-6), Primary (grades 1-3), Senior (grades 11-12)

This introductory course will include practical strategies for the teaching of English as a second language with introductory training in linguistics, and theories of second-language teaching and learning. Exploration of the socio-cultural adjustment faced by minority students adapting to functioning and participating in Canadian society will be examined.


Course normally offered in Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter sessions.


  1. General Certificate of Qualification and Registration (CQR) in Good Standing.
  2. A qualification in one of the following: Primary division; Junior division; Intermediate division in a general education subject from Schedule A; or Senior division in a general education subject from Schedule A.
    (Our office will verify your OCT status and CQR via the online OCT Public Register.  You do not need to send a copy.)
  3. Candidates must demonstrate oral and written fluency in English and a thorough knowledge of grammar.  A candidate who fails to demonstrate a satisfactory level of oral and written competence, or satisfactory knowledge of grammar, will be required to withdraw from the course.

.*Teachers holding Qualifications in Technological Education may enroll in the three-part AQ courses in Teaching English Language Learners.