
Special Education Part 1 AQ (Ontario Tech, Winter 2024, Online)

January 15, 2024 to March 15, 2024

  • Category: AQ, Online
  • Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Outside Ontario, Southern Ontario
  • Topic: Special Education/Exceptionalities
  • Grades: Intermediate (grades 7-10), JK-SK, Junior (grades 4-6), Primary (grades 1-3), Senior (grades 11-12)

Special Education – Part 1 is an Additional Qualification (AQ) course. This course is a prerequisite for teaching special education in Ontario’s schools. You will have an opportunity to develop an understanding of the categories and definitions of various exceptionalities as defined in ministry documents. In relation to the developmental and special needs of students, the course will discuss:

  • accommodations
  • individualized education programs (IEPs)
  • Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) process
  • modifications and assessment strategies

See Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) guidelines for more details about this course.

Important note: divisional entry (i.e. Primary, Junior, Intermediate, Senior) requires completion of the Additional Basic Qualification (ABQ) course NOT Part 1 of an AQ course.