
Reading Part 2 AQ (Niagara, Winter 2025, Online)

January 21, 2025 to March 28, 2025

  • Category: AQ, Online
  • Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Outside Ontario, Southern Ontario
  • Topic: English, Language Arts, Literacy
  • Grades: Intermediate (grades 7-10), JK-SK, Junior (grades 4-6), Primary (grades 1-3), Senior (grades 11-12)

The Additional Qualification Reading Part II Online Course provided by Niagara University allows the participants to develop a deeper understanding of the foundations of reading instruction first explored in Reading Part I. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in a more thorough investigation of the concepts of Reading Part I in order to further enhance their understanding of the reading process and the instructional strategies that facilitate the reading goals of independence, fluency, comprehension, higher order thinking and motivation and support the expectations of the Ontario curriculum. Participants will engage in activities that will enhance their professional practice and extend and apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the design and delivery of effective reading programs. Candidates will participate in learning experiences about program, instruction, pedagogy and assessment and evaluation and have opportunities for professional reading, reflection, dialogue and expression as integral parts of the course.

This online course will focus on creating literate learners for the twenty-first century who will be able to use prior knowledge and a variety of strategies to decode text, participate in creating meaning from text, be able to understand and produce a variety of forms of text, and will critically analyze text in order to develop a critical stance. The overwhelming exposure of our students to a variety of texts of all forms today, in the world beyond the doors of the classroom requires candidates to consider what it means to be literate in today’s world and to bring the world of the students into the classroom environment through comprehensive literacy instruction.

This online course fulfills the requirements of the guidelines of the Ontario College of Teachers in exploring theoretical foundations of reading, the development of learners, program planning and implementation, assessment, the learning environment and the ethical considerations related to teaching and learning across divisions. ). Topics of study in the five modules of the Reading Part II section will include: Reading Instruction; An Effective and Comprehensive Literacy Program; Digging Deeper with Effective Strategies; Assessment For, As, and Of Learning; and Involving Critical Stakeholders. Once again, the Action Research Project portion of the course will provide an opportunity for participants to implement a theory of action and engage in reflection that will further inform an effective approach to literacy instruction.

  • Organizer: Niagara University
  • Cost: AQ Schedules C and D Courses: $710 ($640 for NU graduates). ABQ Schedule A Courses: $665 ($600 for NU Graduates)
  • Location: Online
  • Website:
  • Contact: Carmela Vitale
  • Phone: 905.294.7260 ext. 1104