
Primary Division ABQ (Trent, Winter 2024, Online)

February 8, 2024 to April 11, 2024

  • Category: ABQ, Online
  • Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Outside Ontario, Southern Ontario
  • Topic: Other
  • Grades: Primary (grades 1-3)

This course is designed to introduce practising, qualified teachers to teaching and learning in the Primary Division, which encompasses Kindergarten through to Grade 3. Primary learners have much to teach us. As children work their way through their learning, they create frameworks by which to learn throughout their lives. The work of the Primary educator is different than any other division. In Primary, we lay the groundwork upon which all other levels will scaffold. The critical thinking and problem-solving skills we facilitate, will carry them through every other educational experience. It is essential that we cultivate learners who will take risks, accept the ideas of others, and navigate the various curricular areas with curiosity and confidence. Every Primary classroom has its own unique profile. In every classroom, all areas of the curriculum are covered. Unlike our colleagues in other grades, there is no room for specific disciplines, rather we must ensure that we expose students to all areas, in a holistic fashion, while also teaching the whole child. In the earliest of our classrooms, educators represent the first imprint of a learner at school. In Kindergarten, play is the driving force for most activities. As most kindergarten classes are combined with JK/SK, and in Ontario, operating under the Full Day Kindergarten model, we operate a play based model, while also preparing students for the Grade 1 experience. Full Day Kindergarten facilitates the learning that all other grades will build upon, thus it is essential that the environment be language and math rich, and engaging to young learners. Grades 1 and 2 go deeper to develop and refine solid reading, critical literacy and mathematical skills. In grade 3, students experience the EQAO Provincial testing, and prepare for the increased academic demands of the Junior Division. The underlying purpose of the Primary ABQ is to develop awareness and understanding of classroom theory and practice, and to expose teachers to the wealth of possibility for programming in the Primary classroom. Participants will critically examine their own practice, reflect on their experiences, while at the same time supporting the expectations outlined in the Ministry of Education curriculum policy documents and other Ministry of Education policies.

Please visit website for additional information.