April 3, 2018 to June 19, 2018
- Category: AQ
- Region: GTA
- Topic: Mathematics
- Grades: Junior (grades 4-6), Primary (grades 1-3)
Course Description
Mathematics (Primary/Junior) Part 2 builds on Part I by offering candidates an opportunity to undertake a classroom-centered action research project in mathematics. Teachers receive instruction on research techniques: completing a literature review, setting the problem, designing and implementing the methodology, gathering data, writing, then presenting the research. Collaboratively, candidates learn from the the experiences of others while studying effective learning strategies that improve students’ abilities in mathematics.
Prerequisites for Part 2:
- Completion of Part 1 or the equivalent:
A current Ontario College of Teachers’ Certificate of Qualification showing successful completion of Part 1 or the equivalent of the three-session qualification. It is no longer necessary to send in a copy of your Certificate of Qualification. We have access to this information via the OCT Public Registry. - Certificate of Teaching Experience – 1 Year:
Evidence of at least one (1) year of successful teaching experience certified by the appropriate Supervisory Officer or proof of at least one (1) year of successful teaching experience outside Ontario certified by the appropriate Supervisory Officer on the ‘OISE Certification of Teaching Experience Form’.
Please Note:
Any exceptions and additional requirements are noted below.
- We do not have the authority to determine whether or not candidates meet the teaching experience prerequisite for Part 2 and Part 3 AQs. We are responsible only for collecting the Certificate of Teaching Experience once it has been signed by the appropriate authority. Please direct all inquiries regarding teaching experience to your employer.
- Organizer: OISE at University of Toronto
- Cost: $685.00. See website for details.
- Location: The Valleys Senior Public School
- Address: 1235 Mississauga Valley Blvd, Mississauga, ON L5A 3R8
- Website: https://cpl.oise.utoronto.ca/
- Contact: Continuing and Professional Learning
- Phone: 416-978-2474
- Email: oise.cpl@utoronto.ca