
Mathematics, Primary and Junior Specialist AQ (Queen’s, Late Winter 2024, Online)

February 19, 2024 to April 19, 2024

  • Category: AQ, Online
  • Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Outside Ontario, Southern Ontario
  • Topic: Mathematics
  • Grades: Junior (grades 4-6), Primary (grades 1-3)

Welcome to the Specialist course in Mathematics in Primary and Junior Education. This course signals an important step in your professional growth and in your career. And it is an opportune time to become a “specialist”! Never before has mathematics education in Ontario required more leaders strong in mathematics, capable in leadership skills and passionate about our profession, teaching math and empowering our students.

This course was designed under the assumption that you will be moving into a position of leadership in the near future. Most of the content provides opportunities to practice your mathematics leadership skills.

To be considered for an education leadership position today, you must first prove yourself in your current job. In evaluating candidates, supervisors look for leadership, determination, confidence, innovativeness, motivation, a sense of professionalism and, of course, a strong background in mathematics. The ability to make sound decisions and to organize and coordinate work efficiently is essential. Because much of a leader’s job involves interacting with others, such as students, parents, teachers, and the community, a person in such a position must have strong interpersonal skills and be an effective communicator and motivator. Knowledge of leadership principles and practices, gained through work experience and formal education, is, therefore, important, and this course should help you identify and improve many of these characteristics.

This leadership course has been developed for teachers who already have a deep level of learning about subject content and pedagogy gained from practical teaching experience, professional reading and previous course work.

Topics in this course include:

– The curricular relationships between the various mathematics courses
– Recent research in mathematics education to the classroom
– Strategies (and their values) for the instruction of mathematics, including Cooperative Learning and Rich Learning Tasks
– Learning theories, including Constructivism
– Assessment and Evaluation practices appropriate for the instruction of mathematics
– The accommodation of exceptional students in the mathematics classroom
– The characteristics of effective leadership
– An action plan for your own professional development with respect to the teaching of mathematics in the elementary classroom.

Please visit website for additional information and registration.