
Kindergarten Part 1 AQ (Western, Winter 2024, Online)

January 31, 2024 to April 17, 2024

  • Category: AQ, Online
  • Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Outside Ontario, Southern Ontario
  • Topic: Kindergarten
  • Grades: JK-SK

A focus on teaching kindergarten within the Ontario Early Learning Framework. Topics include: conceptions of childhood and current models for early childhood education; play-based learning, responsive pedagogies, and emergent curriculum; assessment practices; facilitating childrens transitions from learning in home, preschool, and child care settings to learning at school; and developing mutually supportive teacher/child, school/family, school/community, and inter-professional relationships.


Course normally offered in Spring, Summer and Winter Sessions.


  1. General Certificate of Qualification and Registration (CQR) in Good Standing.
  2. A candidate must hold Basic Qualifications in the Primary Division.
    (Our office will verify your OCT status and CQR via the online OCT Public Register.  You do not need to send a copy.)


  • If you hold a Transitional Certificate of Qualification and Registration, you cannot enroll in an Additional Qualifications course.
  • Teachers trained outside of Ontario, and wishing to teach in Ontario, must be a fully registered member of the Ontario College of Teachers PRIOR to registration in an AQ.
  • Exceptions to the above are made for trained teachers from other jurisdictions who do not plan to teach in Ontario. Contact [email protected] for more information.
  • Western offers Kindergarten Part 1 to educators interested in, or currently teaching in, the Ontario Kindergarten Program. This course is open to both Certified Teachers and Early Childhood Educators (ECEs), recognizing the collaboration that already exists in Kindergarten classrooms.  ECEs who successfully complete this course will receive a Kindergarten Part 1 Certificate which may be eligible for ECE hours.  Please check with the CECE to determine if this qualification can be considered toward your CPL.