April 3, 2018 to June 15, 2018
- Category: AQ, Online
- Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Outside Ontario, Southern Ontario
- Topic: Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction
- Grades: Intermediate (grades 7-10), JK-SK, Junior (grades 4-6), Primary (grades 1-3), Senior (grades 11-12)
Integration Of Information & Computer Technology, Part 1
The Integration of Information Communication Technology (IICT) Part 1 Course introduces you to an exploration of how technology-enabled learning can improve student achievement. It will also develop your skills and knowledge for the design, delivery, and assessment of this mode of learning, one that provides and extends learners’ access to the learning environment and to relevant resources while enabling these students to communicate, collaborate, connect, and create in a variety of ways.
The integration of technology into teaching has been identified by the Ontario Ministry of Education (MOE) as having a positive impact on student learning, a finding supported by research. It is important to note, however, that in Ontario’s elementary and secondary schools, technology-enabled learning must always be grounded in the Ontario curriculum; and, that assessment and evaluation practices must be grounded in the policy and practices outlined in the MOE document Growing Success.
- An undergraduate degree acceptable to the Ontario College of Teachers
- Be a member in good standing with the OCT
Integration Of Information & Computer Technology, Part 2
The Integration of Information Communication Technology (IICT) Part 2 Course builds upon the skills and knowledge you acquired in Part 1 in relation to the design, delivery, and assessment of curriculum through students’ technology-enabled learning. In Part 2, you will experience opportunities for extending your own professional practice; expanding awareness of and expertise in planning for possibilities of technology-enabled learning; refining the use of digital-assessment tools and resources; and, examining relevant legal and ethical issues. Finally, you will enjoy the support of the Instructional Leader (IL) and your colleagues as you explore tools and resources to refine professional skills and to develop a personal repertoire of technology-based instructional approaches.
Identified by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and supported by research as having a positive impact on student learning, the integration of technology into teaching and learning can extend students’ access to the learning environment and resources while enabling them to communicate, collaborate, connect, and create. It is important to note that technology-enabled learning must always be grounded in the Ontario curriculum; and, that assessment and evaluation practices must always be based on policy outlined in Growing Success.
- Be a member in good standing with the OCT
- Part 1 completed
- Minimum ONE year of certified teaching experience by the first day of the course, subsequent to certification
Documents Required
- Signed Supervisory Officer’s Form by course end date confirming required teaching experience
Integration Of Information & Computer Technology, Part 3 Specialist
The Integration of Information and Computer Technology (IICT) Specialist Course reviews the concepts and philosophies explored in Part 1 and Part 2 to expand your understanding of technology-enabled learning through a leadership lens. This lens focuses your attention on leadership theory and practice to prepare you for advocacy in the integration of technology in instruction at a school-wide and/or district level.
Identified by the Ministry of Education (MOE) and supported by research as having a positive impact on student learning, integrated technology can provide and extend access to the learning environment and resources while enabling ways for students to communicate, collaborate, connect, and create. Critical to any future leadership role you may assume as a result of this course is recognition of and advocacy for the consistent grounding in the Ontario curriculum of technology-enabled learning; and, as well, your provision of support and guidance as required to ensure that the assessment and evaluation practices related to technology-enabled learning by practitioners within your purview are grounded in the current, relevant policy document Growing Success.
- Be a member in good standing with the OCT
- Part 2 completed
- Minimum TWO years certified teaching experience by the first day of the course, subsequent to certification including ONE year in Integration of Information & Computer Technology in Instruction
Documents Required
- Signed Supervisory Officer’s Form by course end date confirming teaching experience
- Organizer: York University
- Cost: $685.00 See website for complete details.
- Location: Online
- Website: http://edu.yorku.ca/profdev/
- Contact: Office of Professional Learning
- Phone: 416 736 5003
- Fax: 416 736 5023
- Email: profdev@edu.yorku.ca