
Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction Part 2 AQ (Niagara, Winter 2025, Online)

January 21, 2025 to March 28, 2025

  • Category: AQ, Online
  • Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Outside Ontario, Southern Ontario
  • Topic: Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction
  • Grades: Intermediate (grades 7-10), JK-SK, Junior (grades 4-6), Primary (grades 1-3), Senior (grades 11-12)

This course is intended to enhance professional practice, and extend and apply knowledge and skills in the design and delivery of Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction, Part II.

The Additional Qualification Course Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction, Part II explores the theoretical foundations, the development of learners, program planning and implementation, assessment, the learning environment and ethical considerations related to teaching and learning.

Critical to the implementation of this course is the modeling of a positive learning environment that reflects care, professional knowledge, ethical practice, leadership and ongoing learning. It is recognized that candidates working in the publicly funded school system, independent/private institutions or First Nations schools will have a need to explore in an integrated delivery model, topics and issues of particular relevance to the content in which they work or may work.

The Additional Qualification Course: Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction, Part II offered by Niagara University reflects an understanding that each student is an individual who, through God’s grace, brings to our classrooms unique experiences, gifts and understandings.

This Part II course has an emphasis on job-embedded action research, asking measurable questions and carrying out the “processes” of effective inquiry on any issue deemed relevant to the candidate related to program planning and assessment. The course requires constant feedback by the instructor as well as technical support to ensure successful completion.

The design, course content and implementation of the Additional Qualification Course: Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction, Part II support effective teacher education practices. The following course components support and inform effective professional knowledge and practice within the Additional Qualification Course: Integration of Information and Computer Technology in Instruction, Part II.

The ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession and the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession are embedded within the overall expectations of this course.

  • Organizer: Niagara University
  • Cost: AQ Schedules C and D Courses: $710 ($640 for NU graduates). ABQ Schedule A Courses: $665 ($600 for NU Graduates)
  • Location: Online
  • Website:
  • Contact: Carmela Vitale
  • Phone: 905.294.7260 ext. 1104