
Honour Specialist English AQ (Brock, Fall 2024, Online)

September 9, 2024 to November 1, 2024

  • Category: AQ, Online
  • Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Outside Ontario, Southern Ontario
  • Topic: English
  • Grades: Intermediate (grades 7-10), Junior (grades 4-6), Primary (grades 1-3), Senior (grades 11-12)

Course Description

Advanced knowledge of curriculum guidelines from K to 12 and increased ability to develop remedial, regular and advanced programs and to evaluate student achievement. Increased knowledge of child and adolescent development related to English.

Learner Outcomes

Demonstrate advanced understanding of K-12 curriculum guidelines, enabling the development of remedial, standard, and advanced programs tailored to diverse student needs and abilities.*Apply enhanced knowledge of child and adolescent development within the context of English education, facilitating informed instructional decisions and interventions to support student growth and success.*Utilize a variety of assessment methods to effectively evaluate student achievement and progress in English language and literature, informed by an in-depth understanding of curriculum standards and developmental stages.*Design differentiated instructional strategies and learning experiences that accommodate individual differences in learning styles, abilities, and interests across the K-12 English curriculum.*Critically analyze and adapt existing educational materials and resources to align with current curriculum guidelines and best practices in English education, fostering an enriching and inclusive learning environment. *Engage in ongoing professional development and reflective practice to continually refine and improve instructional practices, incorporating emerging research findings and pedagogical approaches in child and adolescent development and English education.


1) OCT MEMBERSHIP/ Confirming that your Certificate of Qualifications shows certification in at least two teaching divisions (Primary, Junior, Intermediate, Senior)./ 2) YOUR UNDERGRADUATE/GRADUATE UNIVERSITY TRANSCRIPT(S) Your transcript(s) must show: – The equivalent of 9.0 full undergraduate/graduate credits in this teaching subject with a second class standing or higher, – A Bachelor’s degree at an accredited university with the equivalent of 20.0 full credits / 3) CONFIRMATION OF TEACHING EXPERIENCE FORM Signed by a Supervisory Official* from your School Board confirming that you have two years (388 days) of teaching experience since becoming a certified teacher, one year (194 days) of which is in the subject area of this course.*The Ontario College of Teachers defines “Supervisory Official” as the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent of the school board for a teacher employed by a Board of Education. A principal or headmaster is not recognized in this capacity. For a teacher employed by a private school, the “supervisory official” is the Ministry of Education official (Education Officer) appointed to your school. For overseas experience the appropriate Supervisory Official is the person your Principal reports to.Please note that a new form is always required for a Specialist course as experience is course/subject specific.