November 4, 2024 to February 7, 2025
- Category: AQ, Online
- Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Outside Ontario, Southern Ontario
- Topic: Guidance and Career Education
- Grades: Intermediate (grades 7-10), JK-SK, Junior (grades 4-6), Primary (grades 1-3), Senior (grades 11-12)
The Additional Qualification course Guidance and Career Education Part 2 builds on what candidates have learned in Part I and provides an understanding of the role of the guidance counsellor within the school setting.
An important focus of the course addresses critical roles of the guidance counsellor related to school processes and programs. Candidates will have an opportunity to reflect on the teaching, communication and counselling roles of guidance staff and have an opportunity to share ideas and to discuss common concerns. Also, they will have the opportunity to reflect on the skills one needs to develop to promote the well-being of students and to manage the diverse roles. Strategies will be discussed that have been found to be effective in educating staff and promoting the safety and protection of students.
Candidates will discuss networking with community agencies and learn how to use community resources more effectively. Also, finding creative ways of working with parents and youth and finding novel approaches in utilizing volunteers will be investigated.
Topics in this course include:
- The role of the guidance counsellor in the Identification, Placement and Review Committee process and individual education plans
- A review of the provincial and federal legislation that applies to school programs
- Theoretical and practical concepts related to effective communication and counselling
- Assessment and evaluation instruments
- Legal and ethical issues and responsibilities related to guidance and counselling, career education and workplace settings.
Please visit website for additional information.
- Organizer: Queen's University
- Cost: $685.00. See website for details.
- Location: Online
- Website:
- Contact: Continuing Teacher Education
- Phone: (613) 533-2387
- Fax: (613) 533-6702
- Email: