January 20, 2025 to April 4, 2025
- Category: ABQ, Online
- Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Outside Ontario, Southern Ontario
- Topic: Technological Education
- Grades: Senior (grades 11-12)
Students today are highly immersed in communications media well before entering the senior level courses in the Communications Technology classroom. They bring with them digital experiences and technical skills of all sorts and levels. Because of this, more than ever, our role as teachers in Comm. Tech has evolved to that of facilitator or guide as students work in project-driven environments to develop skills in creative problem-solving, iteration, and critical thinking, and gain knowledge and develop sensitivity to issues around the environment, society, and technological innovation.
The Communications Technology Advanced ABQ will provide you with the professional knowledge and guidance you need as you further develop your teaching practice for the senior Comm. Tech classroom. Many activities and projects for the course will mirror the curriculum expectations of your students as we, ourselves, learn in a collaborative, project-driven environment and reflect on our experiences. In this course you will learn about:
- supporting theory and practice around teaching methods in Communications Technology
- designing a 21st century, student-centred, collaborative, learning environment
- developing a program that engages with and develops partnerships within the school and surrounding community
- creating engaging projects that are inclusive and differentiated for all digital learners, based on the provincial curriculum expectations
- designing authentic assessment and evaluation practices
- ethical use of communications technologies
- health and safety issues related to technology use
- obtaining and employing resources including software made available for use by OSAPAC, freeware, and other web 2.0 tools
- arranging and managing effective classroom space
- engage with and share in professional learning networks
- Organizer: Queen's University
- Cost: $745.00. See website for details.
- Location: Online
- Website: https://coursesforteachers.ca/
- Contact: Continuing Teacher Education
- Phone: (613) 533-2387
- Email: cedmail@queensu.ca