
AQ Kindergarten, Part 1 (Windsor, Spring 2024, Online)

April 13, 2024 to May 26, 2024

  • Category: AQ, Online
  • Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Outside Ontario, Southern Ontario
  • Topic: Kindergarten
  • Grades: JK-SK

This course is designed to equip teachers with the diverse theories in types and stages of play and developing learning based play for early childhood development. Candidates explore an overview of the ideal structure of the curriculum and developing supportive relations with children and parents alike. Candidates focus on strategies for building shared understanding of play-based program design and assessment practices that are based on a developmental continuum.

Topics include:
·    develop an awareness of current brain research regarding play and learning
·    understanding diverse theories in types and stages of play
·    understanding the importance of exploration, active engagement, imaginative play and
·    authentic opportunities for problem-solving in inquiry-based learning environments
·    exploring the stages of oral language, reading and writing development in young children
·    understanding instructional implications for children whose first language is different from the language of instruction
·    identifying and accessing community, print, electronic and collegial resources
·    planning a variety of forms of play that is connected to learning and development
·    understanding a variety of strategies for adapting, modifying and accommodating instruction to meet the needs of all learners
·    exploring observation-based strategies as a key component of assessment in Kindergarten
·    identifying and accessing community, print, electronic and collegial resources
·    exploring strategies for building shared understanding of play-based programs

Please visit website for additional information.

  • Organizer: University of Windsor
  • Cost: Three-Part AQ: $685.00, Additional Basic AQ: $735.00, Honour Specialist: $735.00, Tech Studies: $725.00. See for details.
  • Location: Online
  • Website:
  • Contact: Centre for Executive and Professional Education
  • Phone: 519-253-3000 ext.6734
  • Email: [email protected]