
Addressing Anti-Black Racism to Change Pedagogy and Practice, Specialist AQ (Queen’s, Spring 2024, Online)

April 8, 2024 to June 7, 2024

  • Category: AQ, Online
  • Region: Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario, GTA, Northern Ontario, Outside Ontario, Southern Ontario
  • Topic: Inclusive Classroom
  • Grades: Intermediate (grades 7-10), JK-SK, Junior (grades 4-6), Primary (grades 1-3), Senior (grades 11-12)

Course Description

Addressing Anti-Black Racism to Change Pedagogy and Practice, Specialist, builds on the learning from Anti-Black Racism parts 1 and 2 to help redefine and reimagine the systemic change required to dismantle anti-Black racism at all levels. The importance of developing meaningful and sustainable partnerships with African, Afro-Caribbean and Black community leaders and organizations is emphasized. Through reflection and the creation of action plans and system audits, you will make connections between theory and practice while leveraging your acquired knowledge and skills to actively re-examine your own professional growth and development and to enhance your role as a transformational leader and agent for systemic change.

What You Will Learn and Do

In this course, you’ll have the opportunity to

  • develop strategies for utilizing the comprehensive knowledge of African, Afro-Caribbean and Black communities to inform instructional approaches that support Black learners in all developmental areas
  • create a culture where learning conditions and opportunities are co-constructed with Black learners, their families, and communities to strengthen educational partnerships and achievement through reimagined leadership competencies
  • determine how understanding the histories of African, Afro-Caribbean and Black communities impacts teaching and learning
  • utilize strategies of systemic change to transform curriculum content, classroom environments and school culture through centring African, Afro-Caribbean and Black voices
  • analyze a variety of research-based instructional strategies that respectfully centre the histories, cultural legacies, lived experiences, identities and current issues of African, Afro-Caribbean and Black communities in pedagogical practices
  • investigate a variety of assessment and evaluation tools that engage Black learners in affirmative and responsive learning processes that centre their identities and experiences
  • analyze current board policies and procedures that have historically impacted Black learners and their communities

Application Requirements

  1. OCT Membership showing completion of Part 2.
  2. CONFIRMATION OF TEACHING EXPERIENCE FORM Signed by a Supervisory Official* from your School Board confirming that you have two years (388 days) of teaching experience since becoming a certified teacher, one year (194 days) of which is in the subject area of this course.

*The Ontario College of Teachers defines “Supervisory Official” as the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent of the school board for a teacher employed by a Board of Education. A principal or headmaster is not recognized in this capacity. For a teacher employed by a private school, the “supervisory official” is the Ministry of Education official (Education Officer) appointed to your school. For overseas experience the appropriate Supervisory Official is the person your Principal reports to.

**Please note that a new form is always required for a Part 3 (Specialist) course as experience is course/subject specific.

Course Materials

There are no additional resources required for this course.